One of the things I have become increasingly aware of the longer I am an insurance agent is that there is a ton of misinformation proliferated about this industry. It doesn’t help that it has been organized in such a way that the average person has difficulty understanding the nuances in coverages. One example of a misunderstanding that came back to bite me hard was regarding life insurance. Back in my previous career, I knew nothing about insurance, especially life insurance. I did not realize that underwriting for individual life policies was very selective. To the point where most major illnesses, especially those that are rare and not well studied, are barred from being covered. Since my health condition had just recently been diagnosed and I was still coming to terms with it, I just assumed I could get more later. Fast forward 9 years and I became an insurance professional. One of the first things I realized was that the small amount of insurance from my previous job would barely bury me and I needed more. Sadly, it was too late. Because no one bothered to explain the system to me, I operated off of bad assumptions because I didn’t know better. That is why I choose to educate others, so they can hopefully avoid similar situations. Obviously, people don’t realize what they don’t know. That is why it is important to have a good agent who will help you to navigate this very confusing industry. If you don’t have a good agent, feel free to reach out to my office. |