When you think of your insurance policies, what comes to mind? Are they simply another bill? Are they helpful tools? Or, are they essentiial building blocks for financial success.
Some view insuerance as just another bill.
I run into this a lot , Prospects like Charlie, who has state minimums on his cars, shops every year for the lowest rates, has no renters policy, and is content with his life policy through work which he had before the birth of his son.
The wiser among us, might view insurance as necessary or even as a helpful tool. Most of us fall in this camp making sure we get health insurance, life insurance, disability insurance as well as home and auto. Each of these products is great BUT h0w do they fit in the larger picture.
Most of us have a vague idea of financiall growth and wealth. We have this fuzzy idea of how our 401K plus social security plus savings is going to secure us a dream retirement. The reality is that building a strong financial picture requires a good deal of planning and strategy.
Not only do you need a plan and execution but it is helpful to see how diffeerent financial products, insurance among them, fit into the overal picture.
The great pyramids weree built from the bottom up, brick by brick with careful attention being paid to each block in a layer so that it could support the one above it. Wealthbuildding is like that,
The insurances you choose should fit into your overall goals and help protect you and your assets as you pursue and reach your goals. At every level there is a right amount/type of insurance that contributes and holds up the rest of the structure.
The best way to establish and realize your goals, is to visit with your insurance/financial professional. They will help you determine which and how much coverage you need to ensure your goals are met.
If you don’t have an agent helping you feel free to reach out to my office through the contact form and we will help you sift through how insurancee can be an integral part of your plan.